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Showing posts from November, 2021

6 Ways to promote your mobile app other than websites

Websites are the best and evergreen technique to promote your product. As I’ve been in promoting apps during my previous internship so, I somehow have the knowledge. Inviting guest authors to mention your app in relevant places and posts on highly reputed websites is a convenient way to promote your app. We can also write listings mentioning our app and describing our app.   1) Social Media. Social Media and social media chit-chat groups are the best ways to make your presence and increase your brand awareness. If we have a really genuine and awesome app that people can love we can promote it easily. If someone loves the app they sure will share it with others. Social presence matters a lot to have a sufficient amount of downloads. Different types of social media websites have different types of sharing criteria. As we can share GIFs on giphy. Links and photos to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr, Reddit, etc.  We can join active social media groups and share our links there. If we hav