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Complete eCommerce Solution For Selling Digital Products and Services

 Ecommerce (or electronic commerce) provides a new way of doing business, allowing companies and individuals to sell goods and services online to a wide international audience. Are you ready to get your business online and investigating how to open an online store? The easiest and fastest way to create your own online store is to find an advanced eCommerce solution. Our WordPress plugins come with a full range of powerful features and tools to help you build and manage your eCommerce website even with the minimum technical background.

I am introducing you the two most downloaded eCommerce plugins with 24x7 support which lets you sell your services or products online

1.EDD Sell Services

EDD Sell Services is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products on WordPress. Selling digital goods and services is one of the smartest ways to make money online. Unlike selling physical products, there are no inventory costs or shipping costs involved. As its name is Easy Digital Downloads, justifying its name it allows vendors to sell services just like a product is sold. With EDD Sell Services, business holders van give their business a richer and engaging selling experience. Know What Type Of Service Guides You Can Create With The Help of EDD Sell Services

  1. Programming & Tech

2. Digital Marketing

3. Writing & Translation

4. Video & Animation

5. Music & Audio

6. Graphic Design

7. Business

8. Lifestyle

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EDD Sell administrations permit the merchant and site proprietor to sell his administrations and furthermore includes a great discussion area with necessity accommodation from the client after request. Numerous Easy Digital Downloads clients sell WordPress modules and topics and decide to offer establishment administrations. While the clearance of a module or topic is moment and doesn’t require the storekeeper to be associated with most cases, establishment administrations need that exceptional consideration is given to the client.

Try EDD Sell Services Now

2. WOO Sell Services

WOO Sell Services enables merchants to sell benefits simply like an item is sold. This module makes another item type called “Administrations” to sell administrations which enables merchants to make help from the item page itself. With Woo Sell Services, give your business a richer and engaging selling experience. Woo Sell Services follows an easy process to help vendors create and sell services online. It holds an easy user interface even a person with no coding experience can understand it and can create his online store.

Woo Sell Services is an extension to WooCommerce that adds a new product type called “services” which allows a Vendor to sell services online to their customers as well as additional requirements regarding a particular service.

WOO Sell Services holds the following features:

  1. Create a service just like a product
  2. Adding multiple questions
  3. Email Triggers For Orders
  4. Easy order management
  5. A Dedicated Conversation Channel
  6. Final Delivery notification
  7. Adding Reviews and Ratings

Try WOO Sell Services Online Now


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